Advanced Dentistry’s Premier Global Education Platform
Dentanext Media is the World’s Premier Platform for Advanced Dentistry Education with Live-Streaming and On-Demand Continuing-Education Modules promoting engagement for users through demonstration cases and live surgeries.
10-Module Webinar Series Including 3 Live Broadcast Surgical Events!
This year long certificate program features 10 comprehensive modules taught via live webinars by leading experts in ceramic dentistry, covering all important aspects of zirconia implant practice, including: diagnosis and treatment planning, surgical and final restorative stages of zirconia implant cases, surgical therapies and implant placement in selected cases, prosthetic therapies, long-term maintenance, prevention and management of implant complications, and the science and long-term history of zirconia implants.
This interactive, one-of-a-kind educational program commences in January 2020 andconcludes in December 2020. Each hour and a half session takes place on the last Friday of each month, excluding July and August. Several sessions will include live surgical demonstrations, and each webinar will conclude with a group discussion and Q&A period.
10 Modules
Learn from industry-leading zirconia experts from anywhere around the globe via mobile, desktop, or Apple TV
Access the only zirconia implantology program of its kind and become a Fellow of the Zirconia Implant Society
On Your Schedule
Live stream with fellow classmates or watch on-demand at your convenience
The advantages of online training via the Dentanext Media Network
Efficient training
No expensive travel and hotel costs
No practice downtime
Continuing Education at any time or place
Easy Exchange with colleagues and experts
Access to the Dentanext Media archive at any time
The course is taught by a faculty of industry-leading Zirconia practitioners from across the United States and the world.
The course’s comprehensive curriculum will be covering all aspects of Zirconia: the science, the benefits, the procedures. Within just one year, participants will gain a wide range of competencies relevant to growing a successful ceramic practice.
Each of the 10 interactive webinars is streamed live on the last Friday of every month at 1PM EST, except for July and August. Each webinar will last from 1-2 hours, and is streamable on mobile, desktop.
While it is always better to participate in the live, interactive webinar at the scheduled time, if participants cannot take part in any module, they can stream a recording of each module on-demand anytime at their convenience, and can also log-in to rewatch previous modules.
Each of the ten 1-2 hour webinar sessions will include ample time for questions and discussion.
Participants who complete all course requirements will earn 20 CE credits and become a Fellow of the Zirconia Implant Society.
Fellowship Instructors & Curriculum
Historical review of zirconia and ceramic materials used in medicine and dentistry
Zirconia as an implantable material and the bone and gingival benefits
Review of dental literature on the benefits of zirconia implants versus titanium implants
Success rates observed with zirconia implants short-term and long-term
Drawbacks of utilizing zirconia implants
Future trends in implant dentistry
Biologic and holistic benefits of zirconia
Plaque and bacterial biofilm adhesions in titanium and zirconia implants
Soft tissue affinity of zirconia
Attachment apparatus of the soft and hard tissues to zirconia implants and abutment surfaces
The hazards of metal in the mouth
Decreased inflammatory responses to zirconia
Conventional and immediate surgical approaches with zirconia implants
Treatment planning with zirconia implants
Delayed placement procedures versus immediate surgical protocols
Flapless versus flap surgical approaches
Site preparation / site coring protocols
Surgical guides / guided surgical protocols
Immediate extraction and simultaneous zirconia implant placement
Bone tapping protocols for dense bone with zirconia implants
Achieving immediate stability with zirconia implants
Pre-operative and post-operative surgical protocols
Zirconia implants in sinus augmentation procedures
Zirconia implants benefits in sinus augmentation and grafting procedures
Site preparation procedures for zirconia implant placement in sinus augmentation procedures
What decreased plaque and biofilm formation with zirconia implants versus titanium means for sinus augmentation procedures
Benefits of zirconia implants and ceramic grafting materials
Review of healing and observations phases
Review of biochemistry and bioengineering of zirconia and ceramic in sinus grafting procedures
Autologous platelet rich fibrin incorporation into sinus grafting procedures
Immediate versus delayed placement
Surgical guides and guided surgery
Implant placement in the atrophic ridge
Spacing between implants and teeth
Prepping implants and abutments
Restorative ideals
Site debridement post-tooth removal
Achieving immediate stability in immediate extraction sites